GDPR Full-service

Do you want to run your business without worrying about GDPR? We have the solution for you.

We understand that not everyone starts a business with a passion for GDPR. However, that doesn’t mean your company should suffer in an era where compliance with data protection laws is becoming increasingly critical. GDPR compliance now impacts business valuations, factors into corporate loan assessments, and gives employees the confidence to report issues without fear of loyalty repercussions. Simply put, we’ve reached a point where GDPR isn’t just about satisfying customers—it’s also about meeting the expectations of suppliers and employees.

That’s why GDPR-Hjälpen offers a solution for businesses that want steady support from a trusted partner who will manage GDPR compliance on their behalf. We act as your extended arm in all GDPR-related matters.

We’ve developed two options so you can choose the one that best fits your organization.

  • GDPR Full-service basic

    What is included?

    - Templates for all GDPR documentation, where you implement all documentation with two hours of guidance from a lawyer and data protection specialist.

    - Ongoing contact and advisory for data protection-related issues. A personal contact with a lawyer for your data protection concerns, always just an email away, and someone who understands your business and how your organization works thanks to our startup support.*

    Startup fee of 9900 SEK and a monthly fee of 900 SEK. Prices are quoted excluding VAT.

    *8 hours per year. Additional assistance beyond this is billed according to GDPR-Hjälpen’s standard hourly rate with a 20% discount for full-service customers.

  • GDPR Full-service plus

    What is included?

    - Startup with the creation of all documentation required by law for all businesses. Tailored to your specific business and organization.

    - GDPR-Hjälpen will be registered as your external data protection officer.

    - Ongoing contact and advisory for data protection-related issues. A personal contact with a lawyer for your data protection concerns, always just an email away, and someone who understands your business and how your organization works thanks to our startup support.*

    - A direct contact who will help you draft all new data processing agreements that you are required by law to enter into.**

    - Ongoing updates on developments within GDPR and related legal areas – you will receive GDPR-Hjälpen’s monthly newsletter "The Data Protection Officer Informs."

    - Annual data protection reports that form the foundation of your systematic data protection work, which by law must be in place in all companies.

    Startup fee of 24,000 SEK and a monthly fee of 1,850 SEK. Prices are quoted excluding VAT.

    *16 hours per year. Additional assistance beyond this is billed according to GDPR-Hjälpen’s standard hourly rate with a 20% discount for full-service customers.

    **Capped at 10 data processing agreements per year. Additional agreements are billed according to GDPR-Hjälpen’s standard hourly rate with a 20% discount for full-service customers.